Saturday, October 7, 2017

October 2017 - Anbiyam topic and reflection from Rev. Fr. Peter Chinnappan

Anbiyam reflection for October

Themes: 1 Our Lady of Rosary; 2. Bearing Good fruits as Christians.

You may choose any of the two or both themes for your reflection
  1. Our Lady of Rosary: In 1571 The Turkish army wanted to invade Holy land. There was big battle at Lepanto, where the Turks were defeated because Pope Pius V asked the Christian defenders to say the Rosary devotedly. The result was theTurks had to flee. Thus. Pop Pius stated this feast. 
  2. For your reflection: Do you say Rosary everyday with your family?
  3. Do you encourage your family to say?
  4. Have a discussion within your Anbiyam about Mary's role in the life our family

Bearing Good fruits
Scripture Mt. 21: 33-43
What are the possible good fruits of our lives - virtues?
How can we produce?
How can we be a witness to bear good fruit?
Can we become a role model foe our children to bear good fruits?

Fr. Peter

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