Monday, March 6, 2017

March 2017 - Anbiyam reflections from Rev. Fr. Peter Chinnappan

Scripture reading and reflection for March 2017 anbiyam meeting
Mathew 25:31-46
Jesus speaks about the sheep being gathered at the right hand of the Father and the goats to His left hand. The righteous are rewarded with a place in Heaven and bad and adamant ones / who do not want to change themselves are punished in eternal fire.
Who are the righteous? Those who took care of the least of his/ her brothers or sisters and blessed by the Father and a place in His Kingdom.
Who are the bad ones? Those who did not care for the less fortunate, the abandoned or the least of his / her brother and did not take care of them are punished in the eternal fire.
In the reading, Jesus explains about the hungry, thirsty, naked, homeless, visiting the prisoners. The just ones did not even know when did they took care of Jesus. But evil ones justify when they did not take care of Jesus? Jesus gives them right answer to their question?
Action plan for this Lent:
The season of Lent is an opportunity for us to practice an act of mercy as explained in the gospel which you read today.
Ask yourself what kind of act of mercy you can have during this Lent. That is making a sacrifice or giving up evil habits or walking one more mile who seeks our help?
It is easy for us to give up something material that is external but what can you sacrifice something very personal and internal? 
Could it be negative feeling about other? Could it be our anger with someone the family and community? 
Could it be gossiping, an uncharitable thoughts, words or actions? 
Could it be laziness?  Could it be coming late for Mass? 
How do we respond to the demands of the school authority or work or any function for which we purchased tickets? 
How do we respond to the church and spiritual need? 
What is lasting and an internal conversion is going to lead us to the life that never. What God would appreciate is something internal / overcome evil habits
Now invite everyone to think about something internal and challenging and not something external and easy.
I pray that you may have a sanctified Lenten experience!
God Bless you

Fr. Peter

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