Saturday, October 7, 2017

October 2017 - Anbiyam topic and reflection from Rev. Fr. Peter Chinnappan

Anbiyam reflection for October

Themes: 1 Our Lady of Rosary; 2. Bearing Good fruits as Christians.

You may choose any of the two or both themes for your reflection
  1. Our Lady of Rosary: In 1571 The Turkish army wanted to invade Holy land. There was big battle at Lepanto, where the Turks were defeated because Pope Pius V asked the Christian defenders to say the Rosary devotedly. The result was theTurks had to flee. Thus. Pop Pius stated this feast. 
  2. For your reflection: Do you say Rosary everyday with your family?
  3. Do you encourage your family to say?
  4. Have a discussion within your Anbiyam about Mary's role in the life our family

Bearing Good fruits
Scripture Mt. 21: 33-43
What are the possible good fruits of our lives - virtues?
How can we produce?
How can we be a witness to bear good fruit?
Can we become a role model foe our children to bear good fruits?

Fr. Peter

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A word of appreciation from Rev. Fr. Peter Chinnappan - Novena 2017

My dear Tamil Selvangale,                                                                                                      September 18, 2017

It has been a long desire of writing this note of gratitude; finally I am able to put down few lines of appreciation. First of all I want to thank God and Our Blessed Mother for providing us a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Vailankanni. Without their grace and blessing we would not have done so much.

Certainly it was a team effort to organize and collaborate for smooth executing of all the events during those nine days of Novena and my sincere gratitude to all the coordinators.

Chief and associate Coordinators:  Here, I need to make a special mention to our Chief and associate coordinators for their suggestions and execution.  Both had invited the guest-priests and provided everything for their journey and accommodations.  Mr. Valstan had even provided air ticket to some of them. Mr. Venantius had given lot of his time, in picking them and dropping them to the airport, apart from accommodating them.  Mr. Venantius had also made sure that planned dinners were very well organized. Thank you Mr. Venantius and Mr. Valstan for all that you have done for the wonderful celebrations.

Divine Worship: Mr.  & Mrs. Yule Kingston family had done a lot of good works for the liturgical celebrations. The whole family is involved in organizing music, liturgical aid, providing altar servers each day and accompaniment. Kingston family DTC is indeed indebted to you. I am grateful to all the members of the choir and the instrumentalists: Mr. John Benchman, Agacia, Melina and Anto. I appreciate all the altar servers for your contribution for the processions and liturgical celebrations.

The clergies: Rev. Arputharaj, Rev. Jesudoss Thomas, Msgr. Xavier Pappu, Rev. Lawrence and Rev. Robinson from Tyler Diocese; Rev. Xavier Baleventhiran from Houston Diocese, Rev. John Lawrence from Amarillo Diocese; Most. Rev. Jude Paul Raj from Palayam Kottai Diocese; Rev. M.I Raj & Rev. Gnanasekhar from the congregation of Blessed Sacrament.

 Social and entertainment: A big thanks to Mesmin and her team for organizing Quiz program and dance. I want express my sincere gratitude to all the choreographers and dancers for both the events in August and September.  I want to thank you Mesmin, for bringing and providing food and board to Fr. M. I. Raj.

Saparam Decorations: I want to thank Mr. Philip and Mrs. Jeyanthini and family for volunteering to decorate the Matha Saparam most of the days providing fresh flowers both respect Anbiyam and the Mr. Philip family. 

Anbiyam Coordinator and Anbiyam Leaders: Without your plan and cooperation nothing would be possible to accomplish such a great event. I thank you for shouldering a great responsibility not only for the feast but also conducting Anbiyam meetings every month.

Pall bearers: I want to thank all those carried the Saparam everyday including women folks. A special mention to Alex Nathan and family for providing candles last year and this year.

Meals for the clergy:  A big thanks to all the families who provided dinner every day for our guest-priests.

Thanks to All our families: Without your participation, nothing might have taken place in all aspects of the celebrations: time, talent and treasure. I am grateful to all those contributed for the Vailankanni Matha celebrations.

 If you still think of contributing towards those expenses, you are most welcome. Remember the more we give to God the more we receive.

I hope I have not left out any one on purpose.

I would invite all of you to participate in our General Body meeting which I feel very important to plan ahead for the future of our community.

Thank you and God bless you.
Fr. Peter

Monday, September 4, 2017

September 2017 - Anbiyam meeting topic and reflection from Rev. Fr. Peter Chinnappan

Dear Tamil selvangale,

For the month of September ' to be a true disciple, one has to deny his/her self, take up daily Cross and Follow him. 

Scripture Mt.16:21-27

Denying one self involves sacrifices in our daily life : little discomfort, inconveniences and self control and avoiding or evicting evil tendencies. That needs moral courage and humility. Do we posses that quality?

Taking up our cross means accepting daily challenges either at home or in the work place or with the people whom we have trusted but betrayed. How are we going to react to those persons. Diligently dealing with family program and keeping them with the family and within our community. Avoiding gossips and uncharitable thoughts, words or actions. Can we accept that we could be a cross for others, no t only in the family but also in the work place. Many disappointments, many failures etc.,

Do we accuse someone who is not even aware of the accusations?

Follow him does not mean one else a week or month. It has to be daily devotional practices, which involves family prayer where Christ becomes center of the family and each member. Totally trusting God even if things do not go in the right directions. 

Please discuss in your Anbiyam.

Make a critical evaluation of the celebrations 

How can avoid unpleasant situation in the Anbiyam meeting and even in our community celebrations instead of criticizing, can we make a constructive plan?

How can we celebrate this feast in a better way.

Make you go for confession before coming for anointing

Fr. Peter

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

August 2017 - Anbiyam Topic and reflection from Rev.Fr.Peter Chinnappan

Anbyiam reflection for the month of August 2017

Scripture Reading: Mt. 14:22-33

This passage speaks about Jesus walking on the water and Peter sinking into the water. There is a very strong faith Jesus has in His Father, while Peter could not believe that he is actually walking on the water. When he doubted about his faith in Jesus he sinks into the water and then cries for help. Jesus calls him man of little faith.

Reflection: when storms of life approach us, how do we react? Like Peter or Jesus?

When realities of life engulf us, do we sink? Do we Cry for help? Have absolute faith in God? Rely upon our own strength which sometimes coming from our own selfishness? 

Do we really face the difficult, unethical and negative approach or Do we rely on God's abundance of grace that flows from the kind and compassionate heart of the Father and the Son?

It has been 11 years, since we found DTC. How does DTC help you to understand our culture and deepen your faith? What do you expect from DTC? How can you support DTC to grow strong in unity, and build a faith-filled community? How much can you involve in our community-building: when meet new family approach them warmly and make them feel at home with our community. I have a feeling that new members are left with their own family during fellowship. I would appreciate if old member could greet them sit with them make them feel comfortable instead of having your own small groups. This is a concrete step for building our community. 

On 1st September, we will start our annual celebration of novena and conclude on 9th.

Give you suggestions to our leadership team

God bless you
Fr. Peter

Sunday, July 9, 2017

July 2017 - Anbiyam meeting - Topic and reflection from Rev. Fr. Peter Chinnappan

Matthew 10:37-42
Jesus said to his apostles: "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

"Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me. Whoever receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet's reward, and whoever receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous man's reward. And whoever gives only a cup of cold water to one of these little ones to drink because the little one is a disciple—amen, I say to you, he will surely not lose his reward."
A poor boy would always pass by a store in their neighborhood to ask for food that he could bring home to feed his sick father. He would always do this every day for the simple reason that the store owner was kindhearted.

After a few days had passed the store owner was wondering how come the boy was not passing by his store anymore. So he asked the people around the neighborhood about the boy and he was told that the boy’s family transferred to the city to stay with a relative.

After twenty years the store owner was now old and sick thus he already closed the store because no one would tend to it anymore. One day a young rich man was looking for the man who owned the store. So the young man was brought to the former store owner.

There he introduced himself to be the boy who would ask for food that he could bring to his sick father. The eyes of the sick man glowed and he asked: Why are you here? The rich man said: “I am here to give back your goodness.” He therefore brought the sick man to the hospital, paid for all of his hospital bills. When he was discharged he invited the old man to stay with him for good.

In the gospel, Jesus talks about giving back to ‘those who do good’ to his followers. What does this mean? This simply means that whatever good that we do to those who follow Jesus, will receive back a hundredfold.  

Of course we all know that Jesus doesn’t want us to limit our acts of goodness to His followers only. Jesus wants us to do good to anyone who is in need: To the poor loitering in the street, to the beggar asking for alms, to a relative who ask for help and the like. ‘We do good not because we want something in return someday’. We do good for the simple reason that we simply want to obey Jesus and share our blessings with others.       

When was the last time “you did good to somebody in need”?

Yes, some of you helped one of our families and hundreds lepers who you have not seen.
  1. Are you interested to continue to help if any person is in need whom you seen or not seen?
Your reward will be great.
  1. Do you encourage your children to be charitable with their savings if any? Toys? Food?
  2. Do you expect that whenever you do something for others, you will be repaid?
  3. Take some concrete steps to accept you painful moments every day and offer for the conversion of others.

Rev. Fr. Peter Chinnappan

Friday, May 5, 2017

May 2017 - Anbiyam Meeting Topic and Reflections from Rev. Fr. Peter Chinnappan

May reflection for Anbiyam meeting

Introduction: We celebrate Mother Mary's month, the centenary celebration of Bl. Mother's apparition at Fatima, Portugal on 13th of May and on the same weekend we also celebrate Mother's Day. I invite you all to join on a telephonic conference to recite the Rosary and offer that Rosary for the conversion of the sinners all over the world. I would request our Divine Ministry to lead the Rosary and also pray for mothers both alive and deceased. Let our prayer for our mothers bring a great blessings to them. At the end of the Rosary I shall bless our DTC mothers. Let our Divine Ministry fix the time. I am free after 6. 30 pm.

Scripture: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31

When one finds a worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls.
Her husband, entrusting his heart to her, has unfailing prize.
She brings him good, and not evil, all the days of her life.
She rises while it is still night, and distributes food to her household.
She reaches out her hands to the poor,and extends her arms to the needy.
She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs at the days to come.
She opens her mouth in wisdom, and on her tongue is kindly counsel.
Her children rise up and praise her; her husband too extols her:
"Many are the women of proven worth, but you have excelled them all."
Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting; 
the woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

Ask yourselves 5 questions that could be answered by the good qualities of your mother. Recall one incident in which you will miss her a lot. For the deceased mothers offer a Mass during DTC Mass and for living mothers, offer one Rosary being recited.

I wish all the mothers a very Happy Mothers's Day 2017! 

God Bless you
Fr. Peter

Saturday, April 1, 2017

April 2017 - Anbiyam Meeting Topic and Reflection from Rev. Fr. Peter

Anbiyam reflection for April 2017

Theme: "Roll away the stone, unbend him and let him go" - entomb to empty tomb 

Scripture: Jn. 11: 1-45

Core message - Jesus raises Lazarus

1.     We often entomb ourselves with chains of addiction to alcohol, drugs, sexual deviations, slander, gossip, envy, pride, prejudices, hatred, uncontrollable anger and we burry ourselves in tomb of despair.

2.     Sometimes we are in the tombs of selfishness filled with negative feelings such as worry, fear, resentment, hatred and guilt

3.     We need to allow Jesus to visit our dark dungeons of sin, despair, and unhappiness in our tomb

4.     We need to ask Jesus to send the light of hope, the power of the Holy Spirit into our own private life and liberate us from those bondages of sin which we have been entombing over the years.

Discuss with everyone that there is one or two evils / vices are very predominant in you. There is nothing wrong in admitting in public and seek the entire congregation present in the Anbiyam meeting to pray for you.

Fr. Peter