Saturday, April 1, 2017

April 2017 - Anbiyam Meeting Topic and Reflection from Rev. Fr. Peter

Anbiyam reflection for April 2017

Theme: "Roll away the stone, unbend him and let him go" - entomb to empty tomb 

Scripture: Jn. 11: 1-45

Core message - Jesus raises Lazarus

1.     We often entomb ourselves with chains of addiction to alcohol, drugs, sexual deviations, slander, gossip, envy, pride, prejudices, hatred, uncontrollable anger and we burry ourselves in tomb of despair.

2.     Sometimes we are in the tombs of selfishness filled with negative feelings such as worry, fear, resentment, hatred and guilt

3.     We need to allow Jesus to visit our dark dungeons of sin, despair, and unhappiness in our tomb

4.     We need to ask Jesus to send the light of hope, the power of the Holy Spirit into our own private life and liberate us from those bondages of sin which we have been entombing over the years.

Discuss with everyone that there is one or two evils / vices are very predominant in you. There is nothing wrong in admitting in public and seek the entire congregation present in the Anbiyam meeting to pray for you.

Fr. Peter