Monday, January 9, 2017

Rev. Fr. Peter Chinnappan - Message for Ephiphany

Message for Epiphany (1/8/17)

Dear friends,

The First reading taken from Prophet Isaiah tells us about the great light which is Christ the Light, would draw all nations to the Holy City Jerusalem. God revealed Himself to all nations through Jesus who draws all people to him and to the Father.

StPaul writing to the church in Ephesus, speaking about the great mystery is being revealed to all nations in Jesus so that all would become coheirs in the Kingdom of God, which Jesus obtained through death on the cross, rising from the dead, ascending to the Father and sending us the Holy Spirit, who constantly sanctifies the members of the Church

Reading through the Gospel written by St. Mathew, I would place for your meditation, there are five category of people in the society

INSECURE PEOPLE: People who love power and authority. Herod was in power and had authority which was threatened at the birth of Jesus Christ. His hunger for power and authority eventually led him to destroy Jesus. The result was that so many innocent children were massacred. 

Lesson: Today we experience the same situation in all over the world among the politicians or power hungry people to victimize innocent people for their selfishness even destroying their own people. There is no justice and sympathy. Total selfishness we see in every situation. The craving for power and authority destroys not only righteousness and justice but also peace in the family, in the office, in a state, country and ultimately in the whole universe. When the Prince of Peace was born, Herod felt insecure in front of Jesus. How many of us feel insecure when some one is more powerful than us?

INDIFFERENT PEOPLE: People who love their comfort zone and do not want  to come out of it. When Magi visited Herod, he summoned all the astrologers in his kingdom, along with the scribes who were well versed in the scripture,the temple authorities, Pharisees and Sadducees. They right-away pointed out that Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. For down the centuries they were waiting for the Messiah and when he actually came in their midst, did not want to accept because their life style would be put to test and did not want to get out from their comfort zone and they were indifferent people. They were comfortable with their life style. 

Lesson: Today we have same situation where people do not want to get out of their comfort zone because that would restrict their freedom. Let it be in the church, office, or any similar places. How many of our people, always come late and get out early from any liturgical celebrations? We find week after week the same people occupying the same pew and same seat and same time. They never involve in any community activities. They are indifferent to any situation. They can not come out of their life style. 

IGNORANT PEOPLE: When Joseph and Mary with the Holy Child in the womb, knocked at the door, the innkeeper refused to give them place. Later on when St. Luke was writing the Gospel, he traveled to Jericho and met the innkeeper who had soled his inn and settled in Jericho, was so sorry, that he did not know that Messiah was knocking at his door because of ignorance.

Lesson: Today how many of our people are ignorant of the biblical and ethical values? They can not excuse themselves just like the innkeeper that they do not know those values. How many of our adults do not even know the sacramental values, Christian values, ethical values, family values and social values? Can we justify our ignorance in our time of web-age?

INNOCENT PEOPLE: People who do not seek explanation or ask question but simply believe and have desire to follow the instructions. They were the shepherds at Nativity of Jesus. They went in haste to find out what was spoken by the Angel and found as they were told. They were the more privileged group because of their simplicity the Good News was proclaimed to them before any one else in the world.

Lesson: Today, we still find people of simple faith, innocent, deep desire to know God and seek His Blessing. They totally depend on their good conscience, follow the teachings of the Church, have moral values, social & family values. They have deep sympathy for those who suffer in one way or the other. Still we find people go out of their way to help those in need in any situation. We can see the love of God in them.God uses those are willing to be his instrument to bring JOY and PEACE. St. Theresa of Calcutta was the finest example I would recall.

EMINENT PEOPLE: People of importance, who love to understand, love and serve the humanity and thus honor their creator. They go out of their comfort zone to meet every need of another God's child. Magi are the example. Their love for God and His Child traveled so far to find  the meaning to the appearance of Great Light and the star which was unusual. Their study, knowledge, wisdom all came together in order to find meaning to their life in Jesus. 

Lesson: Today we know that there are people all over the world with goodness & kindness and love & service for the humanity. In spite of their importance in the society, come forward to help those in need. They share their God's Blessings with those in need. The magi shared with Jesus each in his own way by bringing Gold for the king of the universe, frankincense to the high priest for sacrifice and myrrh for the anointing of God's greatest prophet of whom many prophets spoke down the history, who is Emmanuel - God with us. People donate lot of their time, talent and treasure to the needy.

In which category of the above people you are? Think about it and if need to be changed, what step you would take? Share with others.

God bless you.

Fr. Peter Chinnappan